Tuesday 21 July 2015

Last Stand in Cairns

After getting blown away on the jetty yesterday and the boys hauling in their massive catch of fish, the day rolled on rather slowly.   Bruce went for a MTB ride and we joined up afterwards for our last cup of coffee - We had run out of both espresso pods and instant coffee! OMG!!

Nonetheless, we dragged ourselves through the rest of the day, not doing much other than the boys building a very impressive tee-pee cubby house.

In the late afternoon we took a drive to Port Douglas, about 40km away.  It started to rain when we got there so we went straight to the Ironbark Hotel for dinner.  It was really quite nice - the food was great, the service was excellent and the red wine went down rather too quickly!

Jarrah and Fletcher had the usual kids meals of oily potato and oily chicken nuggets, with the obligatory tomato sauce to give it some flavour.   But Jack had the cheeseburger which was actually quite nice.

The Ironbark Hotel has the "World Famous" cane toad races every night.  So after dinner we went out the back of the hotel to see what all the fuss is about.  Well there was about 100 people crammed into a small room so the boys had to be on their best behaviour, by doing UFC fighting in the middle of the room.  They wrestled and punched each other for twenty solid minutes before the show started - they were kinda like the pre-show entertainment.   I almost expected people to start laying side-bets on them.   Anyway, soon enough the cane toad racing started and it was great fun.

The racing of the toads per-se was not so much of a highlight but rather the host and commentator who was a bit of an Aussie larrikin.   We didn't win the right to "jockey" a toad, but we all had a great time!

The drive home was a laugh listening to the boys on the phone to their cousins making up loads of balderdash about the trip.  You might have heard the rumour but no, Fletcher did not get taken by a Pterodactyl.

No sleep-in this morning.  It was straight off the Cairns foreshore (Muddys Café and playground) to catch up with a Perth friend, Perrie and her young sidekick, Jack. 

We got our coffee fix before Jarrah attempted to break his neck by falling off the spider web obstacle and landing flat on his back.  Ouch.  That brought an abrupt end to the playground frivolities but the little trooper soldiered on without so much as a complaint as we wandered along the Cairns foreshore and lagoon.

After some final grocery shopping (including a good supply of Moccona) before we head off to Cape Tribulation tomorrow, it was back to our little home at Palm Cove. 

Mathletics was the order for the rest of the afternoon for Jack and Jarrah while Fletcher made peg dinosaurs and Bruce did a couple of massages, bringing in the big bucks.

Burritos for dinner, a few games of donkey and a cuppa brought to an end our last day in Palm Cove.   Oh, I almost forgot - check out Jack's new almost 9 year old look...

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