Tuesday 14 July 2015

Tableland Waterfalls

Holy cow!  We came to Far North Queensland for the sunshine - you know, beautiful one day, perfect the next.  Well, far from it.  We froze our butts off last night.  I actually went to bed wearing a t-shirt, flannelette PJs, a jumper, a beanie and socks!  We also  kept the caravan heater running all night, for the first time.  The 4 degree minimum might have something to do with the Atherton Tablelands being 750m above sea level but no-one told us you have to be an Eskimo to live here. 

Just as pretty and just as frosty as the morning I swam in Bolinda Vale's dam!  Anyway, a quick jog down the road and back this morning soon had parts of me warmed up, except for my hands which were frozen stiff.  I just had to hold them on to Bruce's chest to warm them up, much to his protest!

On the road again, we visited Malanda Falls first up.  A nice smallish falls in the middle of town that was used as the local swimming hole before the town pool was built.

Then it was off to the Mount Hypipamee Crater and the adjacent Dinner Falls, which was awesome.  The Crater is just a big hole in the mountainside created by a violent gas explosion (unlike the ones we experience in our caravan, I imagine!) but is rather impressive all the same.

As you can see, the water is covered in duck weed.  The crater is 61 metres in diameter and 82 metres deep and was great fun to throw rocks in there.  Local legend says that an Aboriginal woman once fell over the side and later surfaced in Lake Eacham. 

Dinner Falls was great fun with easy access and plenty of rocks for the 'rock-hoppers' to skip across.  It was a nice walk through the forest between the two.

We stopped at Ravenshoe (the highest town in Qld) which was the scene of a recent gas explosion at a local café where the driver of a car had a heart attack and drove into the back of the shop, rupturing the gas line and setting off a rather large explosion.  The driver and a couple of locals were killed and a number of others remain seriously injured.  I suspect that the driver had not had a heart attack that morning but was actually snap frozen....

Nonetheless, we bought some provisions and headed off to Millstream Falls for lunch and more sight seeing.  Millstream Falls is the widest single drop waterfall in Australia.

Having said that, it didn't seem that wide but we suspect it was measured in the wet season when it would be at it widest and most impressive.  Now we have seen the highest and widest waterfalls in Australia, and that's probably quite enough now.

So a leisurely stroll back through the countryside via Atherton to Ron and Paula's place had us back in time for happy hour, Jack's favourite part of the day.  He has become quite adept at preparing a plate of bikkies, dip, olives and other goodies for us (and he) to munch on. 

We treated Ron and Paula to a farewell and thank you meal of Green Chicken Curry with a garlic bread entrée while the boys enjoyed a pizza.  My home made "Spicky Spicky Pudding" (as Fletcher calls it) topped it off nicely and the boys managed to score a second helping.  Hollow legs I suspect.

All in all a beautiful meal in such a beautiful home - a great time and a great feast was had by all!  While the kids watched We of the Never Never , the adults enjoyed a couple of ports, Baileys and Bundy Rums by the fireplace.  Finished off the night (quite literally) for us.... 


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