Thursday 9 July 2015

The Waterfall Circuit

Finished up at Paronella Park this morning after a short run with Jarrah through the sugar cane, bananas and pawpaw fields.

We made our way through the drizzle to the Falls loop road to take in the sights at Elinjaa Falls.  It was seriously cold today - didn't see the temperature rise above 16 degrees all day!  North Queensland?  Really?  Take me back to Darwin, please!!!  Oh, and don't even get me started about why they call this the dry season!!??  So, for the very first time since leaving Keysbrook, out came the wet weather gear!

A short walk down an engaging rainforest path and the falls were our reward.  A flautist playing beautifully at the base of the falls made the experience just that little bit extra special!

Our next stop was Zillie Falls.  This was a real adventure because the muddy, rocky and VERY slippery track down to the bottom of the falls was a challenge that the boys took to very well and had great fun with.

Jarrah (wearing thongs) was the first to fall on his backside, leaving a muddy streak right up his legs and over both bum cheeks, to the extent that it looked like he'd "pooed his pants". (photo withheld)

This became the catch-cry for anyone who slipped and got slimed.  Even out travels mugs "pooed their pants" when they came loose and fell into the mud.   All innocent and exciting fun.  The view from the bottom of the falls was spectacular and to endure the light rain and mud to get there made it even more satisfying.

Milaa Milaa Falls was the next stop for lunch and a look-see.  Equally as nice as the others but much more tourist oriented. 

A few crazy back-packers braved the waters for a swim but we just played around in the rain.

  Good fun.

We drove for an hour or so to North Johnstone to stay with some friends of ours, Ron and Paula, whom we met at 80 Mile Beach.  They are on 47 acres of beautiful Queensland pastures and run a bunch of friendly droughtmaster cattle. 

The latest addition arrived last week when Jupiter overtook Venus in the north sky (did you see it?) So, the calf is aptly named Jupiter.

Paula whipped up a terrific meal of lasagne and garlic bread and we washed it down with a ton of beer and red wine.  The apple crumble and custard didn't escape the attention of the boys, despite having already announced that they were full and had excused themselves from the table.  A terrific night to finish off a great day.

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