Sunday 12 July 2015


This morning was a bit of a late start with me not getting away on my morning run until 8.30am.  As usual, the girls greeted me happily the very moment I opened the van door.

It was a beautiful, bright and crisp north Queensland morning and the run was thoroughly enjoyable, despite the young steer who faced up to me and the boys on the road that leads away from Ron and Paula's farm.  I've got to say that after watching the rodeo bulls last night, the boys were fairly packing their daks about being close to this big boy.  He soon lost interest in us and wandered off, and the experience lead into a great discussion about testosterone and aggression (every experience is a learning opportunity at the home school!)

Soon after we got back, Fletcher was chasing Jack through the shed and tried to split his head open on the corner of a sink.  There was "blood everywhere".

Jack cheered Fletcher up by offering him his last Bertie Beetle.  Sweet!  Oddly, Fletch kept asking if we could send his blood to Aunty Dell.  No idea what that's about!!

Soon we had a picnic lunch packed and we were off to the Herberton Historic Village, a short drive away. 

The Village collects, preserves and displays an amazing array of historical exhibits from across Australia.  It boasts more than 50 restored period buildings and houses turn of the century machinery and engines, cars, motor bikes and thousands of genuine antiques from the chemist to the grocer.

Jarrah couldn't quite get his head around the idea that this was what Woolies used to look like!

The boys were quite taken with the steam engine an the blacksmith at work.  They weren't so taken with the strict rules in the classroom!

But they did get to sit in this 1923 Model T Ford Roadster, which they thought was pretty cool.

 I liked the Morris Cowley Van myself!  This particular car was born in 1927 and rejuvenated in the 1980s as a star in the iconic Australian TV series The Sullivans.

We finished the visit with a short ride on the 104 year old railway.  Then it was back to Ron and Paula's place for homework, happy hour and a baked dinner (baked beans).

For the evening's entertainment we joined Ron and Paula at the bush TV.

It was a beautiful, still, starlit night - perfect for stargazing.  We spotted Venus and Jupiter, the Southern Cross and the Milky Way, and we learnt all about the Aboriginal legend of the Warrior. 

The kids toasted marshmallows while the adults enjoyed a good red.  Oh, and my second attempt at damper was a great success!  Date & brown sugar damper with Cocky's Joy for supper!

Note:  Cocky's Joy is an old Australian term for golden syrup.

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