Monday 27 July 2015

The Resort Life

We’ve spent our last two days at Cape Kimberley doing precious little.  Well, as little as is humanly possible when you’re the parents of three energetic young boys!

Each day we have walked/ridden the 6km return journey along the beach to the mouth of the Daintree River.  I love walking on the beach, but I’ve got to admit it was pretty cool fun riding our bikes along it, too.  The sand is almost as hard as concrete. 

 Not so good for building sand castles without a shovel.  Believe me, we tried!

When we got to the mouth of the river the tide was out so there was a large expanse of exposed beach and lots of huge puddles.  The boys made the most of those!
It was after we had been playing in these puddles for some time that I noticed the myriad of crocs tracks all around us….

The locals and the crocs up here seem on the whole to be quite indifferent to each other.  I just don’t ever feel entirely comfortable amongst them, myself.
There was more fun with cane toads.  We moved on from toasted cane toads to cane toad bombies in the resort pool.

This was a tough little guy but many, many bombies later the deed was done, the Johnstons reigned supreme!  Of course it was then back to cane toad toasties…

 On Saturday we made a deal with the boys that if they went to bed nicely we would treat them to another visit to Cow Bay.  Unfortunately, they had to learn the hard way.  They did learn, however, and on the following night there was not a peep out of their end of the caravan after 8.15pm.  So, it was back to Cow Bay for us on Monday morning!

We all had great fun again on the coconut palm swings until the inevitable happened.  Someone made Jarrah laugh in full flight which made him let go…landed flat on his back from a drop of about 6 ft.  Ouch.

As it turned out we had needed to go out anyway on Monday as we ran out of gas during our morning cuppa.  We do have two small gas bottles, one of which ran out just before we left Palm Cove.  Bruce wanted to back track a short way to get gas before we left, but I convinced him we’d be fine with one full gas bottle.   Oops.  Perhaps I shouldn’t have slow cooked that curry….and he didn’t even say “I told you so.”  Even when we had to pay a small fortune to get the bottle refilled at Cow Bay!
We did discuss just using the gas in the camp kitchen at the resort, but I am guessing that the state of the camp kitchen might have had something to do with the resort closing down in the first place…ewwwww…I didn’t have enough personal protective equipment to tackle that one so we had to pay the super-inflated prices and be done with it!

We had plenty of time to play cricket, pool, Uno and Donkey.  The boys caught up on some school work and Bruce and I even had time to read.  Fletch caught up on some sleep!
We enjoyed spending time around the campfire with our lovely Tasmanian camping neighbours Lyndyl and Daniel, and of course enjoyed the obligatory Happy Hour pre dinner canapes expertly prepared by young Jack.  We played music and sang and Jarrah exceeded all expectation by baking the best damper yet!

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