Thursday 2 July 2015

Ingham, But No Chooks

Went to the Visitor's Center to find out what's on in Ingham and where the chickens are kept.  "Nope, no chickens here," the guide told us.  The boys were disappointed but we did get to feed the turtles, which was fun all the same.

A well fed wetland turtle.
Well fed land-based monsters.
 Here's an action shot of Bruce's wound healing in front of your eyes.  Aside from the flaps of skin and the stitch holes, it seems to be mostly recovered, without any sort of major infection.  He's walking almost normally now - Yay!
If you rotate your head to the left and look at it, you'll see a Koala Bear.  Magic!
Jarrah got some reading time in the car.  He has been powering along with reading "The 13 Storey Treehouse" and is almost finished.  Awesome.   Jack has read three of the Harry Potter books too!  They are both Subject Matter Experts on Harry Potter.  They can remember the names of Voldemort's next door neighbour's cousins dead brother's dog's fleas but struggle to remember 4 x 5.  We're working on it though.....

 The Master at work.
Yesterday we took a drive around the countryside and to Forrest Beach.  The landscape is beautiful with cane fields everywhere, which seems to be the main source of employment for everyone around here.  Lucinda has the longest sugar-loading jetty in the world at just over six km long.  The ships have to negotiate the Great Barrier Reef to get in and out from the jetty, which is rather tricky - an environmental catastrophe waiting to happen. Then they take 70k tonne of sugar straight to the Tim Tam factory at Arnotts. 
Aside from the sugar industry, the area is mostly holiday makers and retirees, who eat the Tim Tams.  Everyone here has a fishing boat, as does Laurie, whom we are staying with.  In fact, he has two.  A morning crab boat for negotiating the Hinchinbrook mangroves and an afternoon boat for open water fishing. 
  What a life.

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